Gay Travel

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With misterb&b, you can find the ideal vacation rental from a diverse selection of 1 million listings in over 200 countries. Choose from private rooms, entire homes, LGBTQ-friendly hotels, and clothing-optional accommodations to plan the perfect getaway.
4.1/5 Votes: 4,093
SFO84 Inc.
Apr 26, 2023
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Discover a more inclusive world of travel with misterb&b. Browse a diverse range of over 1 million vacation rentals across 200 countries, from private rooms and entire homes to LGBTQ-friendly hotels and clothing-optional accommodations. Book cozy apartments, private rooms, villas, gay hotels, and more, and travel safely with insider tips from LGBTQ hosts.

Connect with the world’s largest LGBTQ travel community and enjoy secure payment and 24/7 assistance while supporting LGBTQ NGOs with every booking. misterb&b is the first LGBTQ app to be named “App of the day” twice by Apple and has received an “Excellent” rating on Trustpilot, the world’s most reliable review platform.

Hosting LGBTQ travelers is also a breeze with misterb&b. Earn extra income by renting out your space, sharing local tips, and connecting with like-minded travelers.

Join the Pride Rewards loyalty program and earn points for every booking, redeemable for future misterb&b trips, vouchers with partner brands, or cashback. Points are tripled for hotel and entire place bookings.

Take your LGBTQ travel experience to the next level with Weere, the social networking app connecting the global LGBTQ+ community. Customize your profile based on mood, location, and marital status, connect with LGBTQ+ travelers, and even create trips together.

misterb&b also supports LGBTQ+ NGOs through the Mister for Good program, with a portion of every booking going towards organizations like True Colors, Le Refuge, and OutRight International.

Discover popular gay destinations like Paris, New York, Barcelona, and London with 310,000 welcoming hosts, useful filters, and over 335K positive reviews to ensure peace of mind.

Join the “Gay Travel Revolution” and feel welcome wherever you stay with misterb&b. Please note that misterb&b is not affiliated, endorsed, or otherwise associated with Airbnb.

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App optimization and bugs fixed.
