Moovit: Bus & Train Schedules

Moovit offers a comprehensive journey experience to riders, making it easier and more efficient to travel from point A to point B. With Moovit, you can access train and bus schedules, maps, live navigation, and real-time arrival updates, giving you the confidence to plan your trip with ease.
3.7/5 Votes: 1,310,896
Jun 5, 2023
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Moovit is a comprehensive transportation app that aims to provide riders with a convenient and efficient one-stop-shop journey experience for all their urban mobility rides.

With Moovit, users can easily access real-time arrival information, maps, live navigation, and train and bus times, as well as pay for their rides and receive critical alerts and service disruptions.

Moovit is available in over 3400 cities worldwide, helping more than 930 million users in over 112 countries, in 45 languages. The app has been recognized as one of the best apps by Google Play and App Stores in 2016 and 2017.

Moovit collaborates with public transit agencies across the US, including MTA, NJ Transit, MBTA, LA Metro, and more. Moovit offers a range of features to its users, including real-time arrival updates, digital payment, real-time alerts, live navigation, stops’ visualization, user reports, favorite lines, stations, and places, bike routes, and maps view.

Moovit aims to make urban mobility more accessible, convenient, and efficient for all its users.

What's new

View the live location of your approaching transit line as it moves across the map in real-time, and know when your line will actually reach your stop!
Get real-time updates on when your line was last seen, and receive service alerts for your line — all in the same screen.
This feature is available for any transit type (buses, trains, trams, subways, ferries, and even cable cars) that shares real-time GPS data.
Moovit’s Dark Mode for Android is Here!
